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Helping learners find the
"so what" in Social Studies

I offer individual and group classes for teens who...

  • LOVE social studies and want to take a deep dive into topics

  • HATE social studies and think it's boring or pointless

  • LOVE to search for the why when they learn, or who need context when they study

  • HATE a cookie-cutter approach to learning

  • LOVE seeing the "big picture" of a topic


How are my classes different?

  • I help students make connections, which facilitate deep understanding.

  • I respect a student's individuality and encourage the formation of informed opinions.

  • I have experience working with "twice exceptional" students and work to meet a student where they are. 


More about who should take my classes


About Me


I am a lifelong teacher and a lifelong learner. I am passionate about helping middle and high school students find meaningful connections within the social studies. I strongly believe that learning happens more easily when students see how events, people, beliefs, and actions are connected to each other and to the student. I encourage students to question and to dig deeply when they are fascinated by a topic. 


My favorite subjects are history, government, human geography, and current events. I have a BA in History, Political Science and Secondary Education, and a MA in American Studies. As a graduate student, I was thrilled to be chosen to create and teach a course on the evolution of dating in America. I taught in public school, and have spent the last 20+ years mentoring and teaching college women leadership skills. As a mom to two "twice exceptional" kids, I'm also well-versed in accommodating learning differences and guiding students to develop their passions.


Click here to check out my blog for more about how and why I teach.

Classes I Teach

Classes I Teach

Ongoing Classes on Outschool

In The Works For Fall 2025

  • Current Events in Context: There is so much more to current events than just reading the news! In this ultimate mash-up of social studies, we discuss today’s news with an eye to the history of the situation and a look at the potential connections in both the present and the future.


  • Current Events in Context: U.S. Government Edition: Learn about how the U.S. government works through the lens of current news stories. 



Classes on Outschool For Fall 2025

​US Government / Civics:  This one-semester Civics course provides high school students with a comprehensive understanding of the structures, principles, and functions of government. Students will explore the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the roles of federal and state governments. Through discussions and hands-on activities, students will develop critical thinking skills and an appreciation for active citizenship, learning how to engage in democratic processes and advocate for change. Time and Date TBD​

  • World History: Through A Thematic Lens: Study world history in a whole new way! Investigate big themes found in world history using documents, films, lecture, discussion, and projects. Consider some of mankind’s most enduring questions, like “what are the responsibilities of the rulers and the ruled?” and “how have belief systems influenced the lives of humans?”  Read excerpts of historical documents, learn the context of those documents, and apply what you have learned  to better understand the scope of human history. Discuss possible answers to the central question in each unit, and develop a solid understanding of both continuity and change throughout history. 

    • Offered in a M/W set or a T/Th set on Outschool


  • ​​Thematic US History - A thematic look at the big questions and ideas that weave throughout American history. Topics will include questions like these:​

    • How has American foreign policy changed over time?

    • What does it mean to be a US citizen?

    • How have Americans worked to create political & social change?

    • How have immigrants experience America?

      • Offered in a M/W set or a T/Th set on Outschool​


  • Modern Geopolitics 1: Read & Discuss Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall: An exploration of the role that geography has played in the shaping the geopolitics of the modern world. Leaners will prepare for class by reading a chapter per week, and we will discuss our take on the author's thesis. Part 2, using The Power of Geography is planned for Spring 2026.


  • Modern Geopolitics 2: Read & Discuss The Power of Geography by Tim Marshall: Explore the regions of the world set to shape geopolitics in the future: Australia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Greece, Turkey, the Sahel, Ethiopia, Spain and Space.


Past Classes
(Can Be Offered Again - Just Ask!)

  • Human Geography: Geography is in everything and everything is in Geography! Using online sources, videos, lecture, discussion, and projects, high school students examine how humans interact with the world around them. This includes studying population and migration; culture, religion, ethnicity, and language; political organization of space;  agriculture and rural land use; urban space use; and industrialization.

  • ​Global Civics: Learn the ins and outs of how the world works from geopolitics, to population growth and decline, to types of government systems, and more!​

  • World History and Culture Through Art: If aliens investigated art and artifacts on Earth, what would they learn about human culture? Middle and high school students look at world history through art, with the goal of answering the question, "what do humans create and why do they create it?" The class concludes with students curating an exhibition of art and artifacts that they feel best explain humans through history.​

  • 20th Century American Music and Popular Culture: Blues, Swing, Rock, Folk, Metal. Every genre tells a story that is woven into American popular culture. â€‹â€‹

Who Should Take My Classes?

  • Any teen who loves social studies and who wants to take a deep dive. Do you have a child who yearns to know the “why” when they study? Have you seen them light up when they make connections between topics? Do they like to talk through subjects in which they are deeply interested? I can listen and I can guide!


  • Twice exceptional students. My classes tend to be "high input, lower ouput." Tests and long research papers don't necessarily give the best indication of what a student has learned. Instead, I glean how much your child is learning through their contributions in discussion. We do a fair amount of reading, but I can assist with finding the right text to speech platform or help find some other way for your child to access the reading. They’ll gain a lot of information in a meaningful way.

  • Students who learn better when they see the "big picture." When memorizing dates and names seems pointless, some kids will engage when learning about big trends, themes and connections. I can work with those students!

Who I teach

What Happy

Students &

Parents Say

Darby is the first teacher I've had that did not make me feel stupid for asking a question. 

S.B., student


Let's Chat About How I Can Connect With Your Student

Tel: 765-721-1208 / Email:

Thank you for your interest. I look forward to talking with you soon!

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